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§§{Kerei "Gidget" Utsukushii}§♥§- Spoiler:
of her hull body -
“Let me tell you a story. It's a story of the past shaping the future, of reality determining possibilities. It might even be a story of destiny...”
Show us what you look like"Everyone calls himself a friend, but only a fool believes it. Nothing is more common than a name, yet nothing is more rare..."
Full Name: Kerei utsukushii
Alias/Nicknames: gidget
Gender: female
Age: 16
Species: demon
Sexual Orientation: straight
Occupation: no jobs
Show us what you look like“How things look on the outside of us depends on how things are on the inside of us.”
Skin: refer to pcture
Hair: refer to picture
Eyes: blue
Height: 6'3
Weight: 136
Clothing: She wears shirts till her bellybutton and regular pants like in the picture and she wears the hat she has in the picture and has multiple colors of the cloth she has in the picture.
Other: She wears one large earing on her right ear only
Show us who you are“Every person has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”
Personality: She loves to skateboard and surf and she always has a mirror and usually she is looking at her self she worrys alot about her appaerence, She loves strawberrys,chocolate and boys and she loves nature camping out and stuff like that, she likes boys that are pretty natural and shares the things she likes
She loves herself and loves how she looks and when she finds a boy she likes she keeps working and working on the boy till the boy is hers she becomes jealous very easily and when she is angry she quickly refers to violence only ways to get her angry is taking her boy,taking her mirror,hitting her or being racist,sexist,jerk and or making her jealous in anyway
finding cute boys
looking at herself in the mirror
•people that take her belongings like mirror,boy friend
Bad Habits:
•she quickly refers to violence when mad
she is very persistant when looking for a boyfriend
Show us your talent“Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off.”
Special Ability: She is one of the best flirters ever and she can awaken her demon powers
Strengths of your Ability
•easily picks up boys with her flirting powers
can make her body parts become macanical
•can turn in to a monster
Weaknesses your Ability
•when in monster form she is very disapealling
•when she is mad and in monster form she can't control herself
Weapon: demon powers and hidden weapons like guns,bombs,knives
Talents: flirting,surfing,skateboarding
Element Affiliation: darkness (when in monster form) machine (when uses demon powers with out becoming a demon)
Tell us why you are here“Time is free, but it's priceless.
You can't own it, but you can use it.
You can't keep it, but you can spend it.
Once you've lost it you can never get it back.”
Date of Birth: Dec.28 1993
Family: utsukushii
History: She is from a japonese family but she has the apearence of a full american girl her father worked in a macanical factory creating new cars,computers ect. and there a demon got in to a ipod that later in the future her father gave to her and when she put on the headphones the demon entered her body but it had parts of machines so now she can make any part of her body expand and transform in to machine and transform itt in to a sword,rocket,blaster,ect. since she was 6 she was interested in boys she was so vry persistant making boys like her and she still is but she had now at the 16years of age she had dated all boys she liked in japan so she came to narcissus academy in search of cute boys.