[size=16][font=Courier New] •{your ID number. An admin will put this when you're accepted}• [/font][/size]
[Insert a picture of your character here, don't stretch the page]
[size=20][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][color=white]§
§[/size][size=29]{Insert Name}[/size][size=20]§
[size=14][font=Copperplate Gothic Light] “Let me tell you a story. It's a story of the past shaping the future, of reality determining possibilities. It might even be a story of destiny...” [/font][/size]
[u][size=21][font=Copperplate Gothic Bold][color=#DB1414]Show us what you are[/color][/font][/size][/u]
[font=Times][color=white][size=16][i]"Everyone calls himself a friend, but only a fool believes it. Nothing is more common than a name, yet nothing is more rare..."[/i][/size][/color][/center]
[color=#D12323][b][i]Full Name:[/i][/b][/color] {First, Middle, Last}
[color=#D12323][b][i]Gender:[/i][/b][/color] {Should be Female}
[color=#D12323][b][i]Age:[/i][/b][/color] (How old you appear) [how old you really are, in these brackets]
[color=#D12323][b][i]Species:[/i][/b][/color]{Demon, Shifter, etc. See Legend}
[color=#D12323][b][i]Occupation:[/i][/b][/color] {Gay, Bi, Straight, etc. You get the deal}
[color=#D12323][b][i]Sexual Orientation:[/i][/b][/color] {Do you have a job? What is it?}
[u][center][size=21][font=Copperplate Gothic Bold][color=#DB1435]Show us what you look like[/color][/font][/size][/u]
[font=Times][color=white][size=16][i]“How things look on the outside of us depends on how things are on the inside of us.”[/i][/center][/size][/color]
[color=#D13A3A][b][i]Skin:[/i][/b][/color] {Tone and Complexion}
[color=#D13A3A][b][i]Hair:[/i][/b][/color] {Color and Style}
[color=#D13A3A][b][i]Eyes: [/i][/b][/color]
[color=#D13A3A][b][i]Clothing:[/i][/b][/color] {be descriptiive}
[color=#D13A3A][b][i]Other:[/i][/b][/color] {anything special about your character's appearance. tattoos, piercings, ect.}
[u][center][size=21][font=Copperplate Gothic Bold][color=#E62B35]Show us who you are[/color][/font][/size][/u]
[font=Times][color=white][size=16][i]“Every person has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.”[/i][/center][/size][/color]
[color=#CF5757][b][i]Personality:[/i][/b][/color] {two paragraphs at least. Be detailed, descriptive. Truly show us your character}
[color=#CF5757][b][i]Temper:[/i][/b][/color]{how hard/easy is it to get your character angry}
[color=#CF5757][b][i]Likes:[/i][/b][/color] {at least two}
[*] {A like here}
[*] {A like here}
[color=#CF5757][b][i]Dislikes: [/i][/b][/color] {at least two}
[*] {A dislike here}
[*] {A dislike here}
[color=#CF5757][b][i]Bad Habits:[/i][/b][/color] {at least one}
[*] {A bad habit here}
[u][center][size=21][font=Copperplate Gothic Bold][color=#E84F57]Show us your talent[/color][/font][/size][/u]
[font=Times][color=white][size=16][i]“Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off.”[/i][/size][/center][/color]
[color=#DE7E7E][b][i]Special Ability:[/i][/b][/color] {one or none, please detail it well~}
[u][i]Strengths of your Ability[/i][/u] {at least two. If more, strengths and weaknesses have to balance out}
[u][i]Weaknesses your Ability[/i][/u]{at least two. If more, strengths and weaknesses have to balance out}
[/list] [color=#DE7E7E][b][i]Weapon:[/i][/b][/color]{a few good sentences on your weapon, please. Same as the Special Abilities: One or none. Can add picture if you like.}
[color=#DE7E7E][b][i]Talents:[/i][/b][/color] {three maximum. Singing, musical instrument, sports, ect.}
[color=#DE7E7E][b][i]Element Affiliation:[/i][/b][/color]{Fire, Ice, Forest, Earth, ect}
[u][center][size=21][font=Copperplate Gothic Bold][color=#EB757B]Tell us why you are here[/color][/font][/size][/u]
[font=Times][color=white][size=16][i]“Time is free, but it's priceless.
You can't own it, but you can use it.
You can't keep it, but you can spend it.
Once you've lost it you can never get it back.”[/i][/size][/center][/color]
[color=#F0ADAD][b][i]Date of Birth:[/i][/b][/color] {MM/DD. Year is optional}
[color=#F0ADAD][b][i]History:[/i][/b][/color]{Please give a good DETAILED description of your characters past. At least one paragraph. Also include how your character came to Narcissus Academy.}
[u][center][size=23][font=Copperplate Gothic Bold][color=Red]Now…tell us what you can bring[/color][/font][/size][/u]
[font=Times][color=white][size=18][i]“ Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee.”[/i][/size][/center][/color]
[color=red][b][i]Place:[/i][/b][/color] {What wing your class is in}
[color=red][b][i]Time/Day Most likely to teach[/i][/b][/color] {You don't actually have to teach at these times. Just what times you might be on}
[color=red][b][i]Who did you PM?[/i][/b][/color] {You have to PM Hime, Celest, or Watare Isumo to ask if you can become a teacher}
[color=white][right][sub][size=9]Template created by Ravyn{a friend of the admins from other sites
Inspired by those of Hokkaido Academy, Lost Generations, and others. ID pictures created by Yami{another friend}. All rights belong to their respective creators.[/sub][/size][/right][/font][/color]